Leaving Las Vegas :)

Are you desirable? Are you
irresistible? Maybe if you
drank bourbon with me, it
would help. Maybe if you
kissed me and I could taste
the sting in your mouth, it
would help.

If you drank bourbon with me
naked… if you smelled of
bourbon as you fucked me, it
would help… it would
increase my esteem for you.
If you poured bourbon on to
your naked body and said to
me… drink this…

… if you spread your legs
and had bourbon dripping from
your breasts and you vagina
and said drink here… then I
could fall in love with you,
because then I would have a
purpose, to clean you up, and
that would prove that I’m
worth something. Id lick you
clean so you could go away
and fuck someone else.


there once was a pretty cool girl
who met a very chill guy
he then gave her a thrill ride
after the fun his watch went on a run
ended up under her bed
and she got a brilliant in her head
it didn’t work, the watch this
she decided to fix it
now it ticks and tocks
last piece of clothing off is always his socks
i ain’t no rapper fool

we both you could deflate a sudden hurricane

i’m not sure who’s using who here…..lalalala….awake at 7am again….stomach is killing me….fucking rum…i don’t really update anymore….i only seem to update when im miserably drunk and depressed…which really hasn’t been happening that much of late….

i really wish i could eat tho….food sounds so disgusting…like protein, carbohydrates…..i can feel the bile raise even typing about it…..need to eat a candy bar or something…..

oh well, better start working while the pot is still in effect….

take the red or the blue pill

ian fucked up his foot at jujitso(sp) so a friend of ours gave him a big baggy of perscription painkillers….i took one of little ones when i gave him the bag as a tax and washed it down with a beer. Then i realized i had no idea what the little ones were…my friend replies their halcion.

Halcion Tablets contain triazolam, a triazolobenzodiazepine hypnotic agent used to treat sleep disorders.

Peak plasma levels are reached within 2 hours following oral administration.

Well, toad had mad oral administration and washed it down with some beer so i figured it had about 2 hours left of Monday in which to do any work.

I woke up this morning around 6am, laying in bed, no shirt and no idea what happened monday evening.

so remember kids, before washing down pharmaciticals, make sure you have the internet handy to know exactly what’s gonna happen !

goodbye suckers

thats right, want all of you to know that im leaving you behind. Wanna know how? Well, let me show you. Later bitches, have fun with your jobs.


In brief Introduction , utill we see face to face , I
am MRS SANDRA WILLIAMS, a widow , my husband was
Comrade George WILLIAMS of the blessd memory who died
on the 25th of feb 2001 in detention in Freetown,
Sierre Leone . Following the collapse of mojor Johnny
Paul Koromah military regime by the combined forces of
the west Africa peace keeping force (ECOMOG) which
reinstalled the civilian elected President Alhaji
Tejan Kabbah.
The President upon resumption of office , clamed down
on my husband and his colleagues who served under the
military arrangement of major Johnny Paul Koromah and
succeeded in killing some of them including my
husband, may his soul rest in peace Amen.
When my husband was in detention before his death , He instructed me to take possession of one large trunk box which contains the sum of US$8.5 Millions in the custody of one security company in Abidjan – Côte d’ivoire. He told me to go to the under ground vault of our family house in the village, Mande that I will see the document covering the deposite of the trunk box that when ever I declare the document to the security company, they will release the box to me. He also instructed me to look for a foreign partner who will help me to invest the funds. According to him, he said that the security company where this box where deposited do not know the exact content of the box for security reasons as it was declared as family valuables not as money. And he instructed me, in any case that I should not let the security company to know the real content of the box. Immediatly after his death I and my son where able to move out of the country Sierra-Leone to Abidjan Côted’Ivoire through the help of my husband’s family friend who has a fishing trawler. Now, I have located the security company here in Abidjan – Côte d’Ivoire and were confirm really that he deposited a trunk box in their custody through the security company Director and their executive Officers.

Right now Iam looking for a reliable trust worthy
foreign partner who will be able to help me retrive
the consignment and transfer these funds from here in
Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire to a safe Bank account overseas
and back it up when the fund enter’s his account abord
and also advice me on a favourable business
investment opportunities where these funds will be
effectively invest.

The security company where this box where deposited in
Abidjan do not know the exact content of the box for
security reasons as it was declared as family
valuables not as money .So my dear , I am in the name
of god soliciting for your help in this matter as this
is the only hope of survival for me and my son since
the man of the house is out.

I have negotiated with my son to give you 15% of the
total cash as commision, while you will be gaining 5%
of the monthly profit of the investment. All this are
subject to negotiation upon your acceptance .
Moreover, other very important details shall be made
known to you as soon as I receive your positve
response to this proposal.

Please help me with good spirit in the name of God
Almight Thanking you for anticipated co-operation.

Yours faithfully


green is the color

2pm, chilling in backyard…drink in hand…checking email…sending email….changing a line of code…mp3s playing




this shit has baffled me from day 1. i can be just kicking it out in a lawn chair, no cables, just chilling. Aim windows, the internet, everything but if i move my eyes a few inches it’s pure green, what my poor eyes are supposed to see.

need to spend more time outside online.


who wants to help me build my own vineyard? i figure i have this huge backyard, a few months left on a lease…i could have mad wine then…would be much cheaper then plowing through $40 worth of wine in 48 hours…

well it’s 7am…probably a little too early to start drinking again…god knows it’s not stopping me tho….time to open photoshop up and get back to it.

yesterday, my main work computer, Armand, decided he wasn’t going to work with Photoshop, the program i pay rent with. This pisses me off. I walk into my bedroom, pick up LeStat and walk back into the living room. I look at Armand, scream “If you don’t want to work here anymore, i’ve found someone else who does!” and set LeStat down.

After hours of troubleshooting i could have spent working on the design, armand works again….