
I was thinking yesterday how weird it’s gotta be to really to date me. Manda picks me up yesterday, i’m dressed, hair combed, deoderant applied, ready to go. Her and Marla run to the backyard to play and i finish making a fresh batch of Koolaide. I pour it into a Gatoraide bottle already full of ice and vodka chilling in the freezer. We head out to her car, as i get in she notices the Gatoraide bottle in my trembling hands. I smile and take the first taste, the verdict….satisfactory….the nice thing about not mixing enough koolaide is the vodka kills your taste buds much faster…

The little bottle of Gatoraide is almost finished by the time we get out East to her friend’s house. I steal some ice from their fridge and we head to the movies. We’re sitting in the theatre, Manda, Gus, Meredith and me, all chatting about pubic hair, etc…instantly grabbing the attention of the people sitting in front and behind us.

The movie, x2…was really a lot better then the first one…besides the plot holes, etc…but what can you expect, it’s about a comic book….shrug hehe

what has become of you toad

I still express, yo, I don’t smoke weed or a sess.
Cause its known to give a brother brain damage.
And brain damage on the mic don’t manage Nuthin’

1:42pm….listening to NWA, empty plate of hot wings on my desk, drinking a Watermelon Cherry Koolaide and vodka…i blame all of this on Ian.

Unregulars: Interview with a Female Necrophiliac. Necrophilia with Shine Magazine.

can’t remember what aim window had this link but it’s a intresting read…

interview with female necrophiliac

this is my favorite paragraph.

I quietly jumped off the table and threw the sheet back over the body. My clothes were in quite a state of disarray, and I had blood on me and everything else– it had been an autopsy case. There was a casket with the lid open in the side casket-room, so I ran and hid behind it. The casket was on a church-truck so they couldn’t see me, but they could see my legs.

special koolaid

Ian comes home pissed off about his bank fucking him and decides to cook both of us lunch. He’s really upset about the bank withdrawling his car note…twice…which caused the check he wrote to cover his court costs to bounce…

He brings me some pasta and ravolli(sp) and a glass of thinks pink looking koolaide. I think him, take a huge sip of the koolaide and exclaim “wow that’s some strange tasting koolaide, almost tastes like it has vodka in it”. To this Ian giggles loudly and sits down with his own glass of ‘special koolaid’.

Turns out my psychotic(sp?) bartender roommate spiked the entire pitcher of koolaide. I feel like i can justify drinking some of it at 9:41am by updating about it but it just isn’t working…hmm


gawd 8am…eating hot wings, listening to Love Buzz on repeat, after being woke up my drunk ass roommate at 7:30 when he came home from the bar.

after trying desperately to fall asleep to a simpsons episode, i go back into the living room, heat up some wings and start Thursday.

Lets recap wednesday in a few paragraphs. I woke up yesterday around noon, hungover as usual. I crawl out of bed, check email, check voicemail, probably drank or smoked pot.

On the way to the first meeting, i stop to buy some fig newtons and a 40 of Miller Lite on my dad’s company card. I figure they owe me. I drank half the 40 on the way to the first meeting, scarf down the fig newtons and go to my first meeting.

Turns out they were using a lowercase letter when they should have been using a capital one. That was worth the drive. And the $75 an hour i was charging them. Fuckers.

On my way to the next meeting, we have a lil pot and the rest of the beer. I finish the 40 in the client’s driveway, throw the bottle in his trashcan by the curb, eat some gum and go in. Normal meeting.

Drive home in terrible rush hour traffic, curse the entire human race on Airways Blvd and rot at computer for a few hours. Manda calls and asks if i’d like to partake in some dinner type activities. After she buys me dinner, we head up to the evil bar(s) my roommate works at.

Blurry, blurry, wake up at 7am like “omg”….wheeeee