woke up at 7 this morning and started trying to fix my life. Only problem is im lacking one very important cool, the internet. I had a overdue timewarner bill that had to be paid by saturday. Needless to say, after going to bed at 7am that morning, having no means of getting there, the bill didn’t get paid. off goes the internet.
so this morning i packed up the tablet, a blanket and walked to the park where i knew i could sit and not get arrested for loitering. Luckily some nice person didn’t take the time to set a wep code and ive been able to get my aim, check email and make somother site changes.
this whole thing just goes to show you that if things are going well, look out. Cuz that when something fucked up is going to happen. i think bad things come i three’s also, but i’m not sure if that 3rd bad thing has already happened and i don’t know about it or grouping it with this. Or the 3rd bad thing will happen when im walking back to my apartment in a few minutes. I know for a fact that 3rd bag thing won’t be someone mugging me for my tablet because i have enough anger and adrenaline to beat someone to death with their own shoe to prevent that 3rd bad thing happening.
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