total eclipse of the public embarassment

Last night Amanda called me and asked if i wanted to spend a night away from the computers. We head to Murphey’s for Paul, Paul, Chris and David’s band, 3 Man Riot.

 This was their first show….they played 2-3 really good songs and they blow out their amp. Their borrowed amp. One of the other bands playing lends them another one. Don’t ever lend them a amp. 

Then the night starts to spiral out…..went to Neil’s last night. I can’t avoid that place on Wednesdays….karaoke is the one vice i’ll never be able to shake…..

I open the book and it comes straight to Total Eclipse Of The Heart…..i know fate when i see it…i write it down and put “contest” on it. That puts me in the running to be in a contest they are having in a few weeks. People are singing some serious songs. Like really trying. Because they think they are good. Then toad comes up on stage.

I slur the first few minutes and then the shirt comes off. I don’t exactly recall what i did after that…i vaguely remember throwing my shirt at the karaoke lady, sliding across the stage on my knees, Whitesnake style…then stumbling off of stage.

Caryn gave me a ride home and i apoligized for the terrible things i said to her last Wednesday at Scott’s wedding.

I need to quit drinking.

I need to quit drinking.

I need to quit drinking.

Shit late for website meeting…at bar…

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