well it’s time to get ready for mary and eric’s wedding. i really hope i don’t fuck your wedding up. i had a great nightmare that i knocked over a candle and the whole place went up in flames. i’ve only had one beer so i have my balance and tact that everyone loves.
this is going to be a long few day. after the photographer takes the pre wedding pics, we have the wedding, we have the reception with a keg of amberbock, then we have the after reception party which the keg of amberbock is also going to. then tomorrow afternoon we’re all meeting at john’s house for a super late after party?
i am going to be the image hungover on monday.
to everyone who has msged me the last few days:
i’ve been afk, stop taking it personally. the world does not revolve around you. i am also aware that aim has a away message system but i’m usually running so late for whatever event or bar i’m going to that i don’t have time to write something witty for you.
anyway, time to go shower off the sin, brush my teeth so eric’s poor mother doesn’t have to smell beer and drugs on my breath. i’d also like to make a apology in advance for whatever might happen today, tonight and tomorrow.
lets just get it out of the way now 🙁
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