i didn’t do anything!

so im about to watch my pirated copy of clerks 2. my computer crashes and it reboots. then the power goes. fine, god, i won’t watch this, yet.

marla and i go for a walk. we walk and walk. im about a block away when i see a squad car. i’m not that drunk but um, okay im drunk.

the car pulls up right in front of me and i feel a little pee go down my leg. no it didn’t happen but thats what it felt like, in my mind,  you know.

i realize it’s my cop friend, *********, the lady mowing her lawn a few yards away looks intently like she’s about to witness the next rodney king. we sit and talk a while about new orleans, etc and he goes away. i look at her and go “wow i thought i was fucked” and she says “yah i havn’t been in trouble with cops in years but it still scared the hell of me”. We talk for a minute and i walk back to my apartment like “wow, i am so scared of cops”.

i know my cop friend probably doesn’t read this site anymore but it was so lol how he pulled up all *rawr*, cutting me off in the middle of the street just to say “sup toad” but it was great.

oh well, we all got a good life.

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