anna nicole smith :(

i’m pretty predictable when it comes down to it. i like to drink, laugh, and work. tori, pabst, etc.

so when anna nicole smith died i freaked out. like i can’t believe she’s dead. i woke up today like any normal day but then i saw the headline again on cnn and it hit me all over again.

now a lot of people might of thought she was a money grubbing whore. before she died if you had asked me to describe anna i would have probably used that same sentence but worked the word cum into it.

i’m not going to tell you what to think.

anyway, now that she is dead i think i have completely reversed my view on her. in the end she was just a poor little texas girl who got sucked up by hollywood, etc, and it spits out a corpse. how many defenseless white girls does this happen to on an average day?
you should have never gone to hollywood 🙁

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