it’s time for a change of perspective

i really just want to shed my last little bit of kindness for everyone. really just let go and be a complete asshole.

seriously just steal, lie and cheat my way through life. because honestly theres no fucking difference anymore…fool me once, shame on you type thing, fool me twice, hunt you down and murder you and your family.

i’m bitter. i’m tired of my sympathy and understanding for the people who take advantage of me. they are fucking you and you’re like “well it’s okay that they’re screwing me because at least they’re doing…whatever”.

this has nothing to do with my current contracts or current projects…i’m talking about every time i’ve given someone a deal i end up getting screwed. this is a typical thing for designers….people think i just crank this stuff while eating my nightly hotpocket. it’s part of my life i’m giving you.

seriously going to be typing this same update covered in someone else’s blood.


so in a team meeting today i found out we’re having a diversity day at work. so we’re going to see a webcast about diversity, food, and…


yeah seriously. i walked into the conference room while they were setting up the equipment. Jen is singing off key to michael jackson’s billy jean which is even better since she’s a lesbian.

i just don’t think they understand what this means. they are going to be wrestling me away from the microphone with my pants around my ankles.

ive never sang sober before. ever.

i’m going to wear a normal shirt to work that day and change in the bathroom into my rhinestone karaoke shirt.

i can’t wait.

i really gotta figure out a way around the whole sober thing. i figure i take a aderal and drink a pot of coffee and induce some lsd flashbacks. that should make for some good madonna singing.

can get the boy out of memphis

but can’t get the ghetto out of the boy.

i made renee watch hustle & flow with me last night. i told her it was a very important part of my heritage and for her to understand anything about me, she needs to see this.

cuz you see, man ain’t like a dog.

anyway….ive settled into my new lifestyle very well. i had to ride home in the rain once this week but i’ve learned to embrace the anger that comes with pouring rain.

my project got funding for first half of 2008 so i guess as long as i want this life i can have it. i really need to start working on “new shit” tho. my poor crackhore has degenerated into just nonsense. being creative is tough work. it just doesn’t come natural anymore.

oh well

ร‚ย anyway, i’m really excited about seeing this

i fuck websites

god i had a lot of good things happen today…i found out im going to have my contract for another year….if i want it….

my new lcds came in today..the jump from crts to lcds is like sex without a condom…..i feel like im in the future….this is so dope lol ๐Ÿ™‚ i have totally bought into my new consumerism lifestyle…i seriously think im done tho…i got everything’s all insured…. the next flood can hit and im straight…..

i went for a run today for the first time out in gentilly. i kinda wanted to do a circle which turned into this weird triangle shape that took me about 2 miles out of my way. i’m totally lost and i keep looking to the left to where i need to go and it’s just a levee with a train track. I finally walk up there and start looking for a way to go left. Running through high weeds with def tones around the fur blaring on the ipod, i finally find a break in the foliage next to the track, realize where i am and finish running home.

like you seriously know you fucked your run up when you’re following train tracks back to the habitated part of new orleans.

it started raining about a mile from home…like god’s spit and pee, pouring down on me, punishing me for sins of not knowing gentilly….

oh well…nothing a bottle of wine won’t fix. ๐Ÿ™‚

need more shit

Renee was cooking us breakfast Saturday morning. I’m sitting at the computer downloading something for us to watch when she asks where my other bowls are. I look at her with a ๐Ÿ™ kind of face and say “that’s the only one”. She’s goes “wow i’m glad we’re doing bacon and eggs and not cereal”.

my priorities are so fucked up…i got more lcd monitors in the mail but i have one fucking bowl.