last night

So i met these 2 teenage girls, i can assume it was from the internet, it was very hazy. they were 18 tho. they told me while sitting in a hot tub that they were going to attempt to climb a mountain. i decide to tag along since this should be a spectacle. we went off to some state that had snow and a mountain, everyone at the town was impressed they were going to climb it. now this isn’t a normal mountain, it’s got this train that takes you up for the 1st part because it’s so rough. i’m not happy with this but i get on the train with the rest of the people going up near the top.

the train starts to go up and i’m suddenly starting to realize this is a terrible idea. me and a few others decide to just jump off and walk the rest of the way up. it’s that bad. i’m in such a hurry i leave my jacket and my red silk sheet. i remember thinking in the dream that it’s really weird to carry that type of blanket in this frozen hell hole but shrugging.
we get off and get about 50 yards away when the train heaves to one side and goes crashes off the mountain. i see the 2 girls and the conductor go flying out and disappear into the snow and destruction.
our group decides we gotta go back and check on them. we start climbing and it’s really rough going. we get to basically the top to look down on where the train disappeared. the guy leading the expedition starts pulling on this huge piece of rock we’re all kinda peering over. i look at him and say “stop it and no it’s not a good idea to use this to climb down”.

just then we see by the lake below, hundreds of boats all steaming over to where the train collapsed by some lake that none of us apparently saw?

it just took forever for all the red tape to get cut through to dispatch the boats.

we all come down the mountain. on the way down i find my silk sheet and my jacket, all frozen and balled up. i pick them up and we continue down, all bruised up and frost bitten.

the merry crew finally gets down and we meet up with the 2 teenagers at the hospital. we’re all bandaged up and they give us the invoices. omg mine is $770!

i pull out my insurance card and slam it down on the counter all proud that i have a $30 copay and i leave, waving goodbye to everyone.

melatonin makes for strange dreams. take 3 about 15 minutes before bedtime and all kinds of shit will seep out of your sub conscious apparently

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