a few days ago i apparently bent my debit card to where it’s basically about to snap into two pieces…which it did about 30 minutes ago at Subway.
so now i’m debit card that is now in 2 pieces…i walk into a bar i’m a regular at..of course it’s not one of the 3 bartenders that know me very well…i explain what happened, show her the 2 pieces of my debit card. she looks at me like “ummm i’m not going to run that”…i tell her to try running it for $20, she does, i told you the card is valid! she says “yeah but how do i know you are ____ with ____ as it says on the card”.
i reach into my wallet, throw down my ID, then a handful of business cards, brochures, postcards and shit with the name on it. she looks at it all and says “okay fine” and brings me my pabst.
i gotta go to the bank tomorrow and get a new card ordered…the best i can think of is i was really mad at myself for spending money on something and figured the best way to not spend money is to destroy my card…makes perfect sense right?
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