i was thinking earlier as i opened my box of hawaiian shirts that finally got here today.
things really worked out for a change. usually my life consists of failure. lots of it. in work, in relationships, pretty much everything.
i wish i could go back in time and tell myself “it’s going to work out”. i remember sitting in the apartment, drinking makers mark next to the loaded gun. thinking about how im going to have to find a new place to live, pack all my shit, pay movers, unpack, resetup the office so i can attempt to make money.
i move so fucking frequently that im really good at it. i ended wandering in a bar i frequent and a friend looked at me and was like “dude whats going on”.
i explain my fucked situation, he calls a realtor he used to date(this is at like 10:30 on a wednesday), she calls me, i ask if i can see the apartment tomorrow, she says sure.
i walk in, sign a lease, give her a check and get my friends to help me pack and move. i resetup the office in a fairly decent little apartment. It looks exactly like every apartment i’ve lived in, setup exactly the same.
I know it’s the same exact life i had in my early 20’s. same clothes, slightly different job, same exact personality, same work ethics…except dylan builds the sites and i go to rotary club…which is a little out of character….which is why i love it.
imma join the free masons soon too.
anyway, strayed off topic there.
something about that trip to memphis. getting the TN license, the high school reunion, and most importantly, michelle.
i mean i should really save this update until after she gets here but it went from “it would be great” to “that’s the plan”.
my friends and family reaction has been mixed to say the least. my new orleans friends are afraid of a repeat of kelly. my memphis friends are mostly supportive, the mutual friends we have are extremely pleased.
i’ve never really been big into other people’s opinions anyway. especially when it comes to things like this.
i still can’t believe how i went from a completely fucked situation to having the woman of my dreams moving down here.
let this be a lesson to my younger readers(if anyone even comes to this site anymore). shit can be totally fucked, i mean just completely bad. planets move and things can work out.
good friends help a lot. nick and alexandra have been crucial the last few months. literally would come by the house daily to check up on me.
anyway, shit is going to be great very very soon and everyone who helped get me where i am today, thanks.