Ugh, after polishing off the Champale Extra Dry, I run through rain, jump in my car and drive back to the Circle K. A new clerk was working this shift, it being 2-3 hours later. I walk to the cooler and decide that since I already tried one Champale, I might as well try them all tonight. I grab a Golden Champale and a Red Berry Champale and figure this should do me good for the rest of the evening.
I get home, forgo the regular chilling, and crack it open. It tasted a lot like the Extra Dry but with a less tonic watery taste. It tasted more like beer. Ian describes Golden Champale as crisp and dry, like a sweet apple. I however didn’t think it tasted anything like a apple. It tasted like just about any other malt beverage, nothing really special.
Toad’s ghetto beer review opinion? I give Champagne Golden a 8 hairpicks out of 10. This was pretty good for being considered a “lesser beer”. I could actually see myself buying this if i was in a mood for it. If i was in the mood for it again.
8 hairpicks out of 10
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