Earlier in the day one of our trucks had caught on fire so we had to shut it down and tow it back to the fob… and durring transit I had heard the explosion… it was a fucking IED… one way to really fuck your day up.
What had happened was that we were driving in the dark… about midnight here in hell…. and my driver had swirved to miss an obstruction in the road (which he stated looked like a MRE (Meal Ready to Eat)) and the vehicle behind us rolled straight over it. Lucky for us… it was a pressure activated IED that blew the front passanger tire off the second HUMVEE and half the rim. The only good thing about the event is that it was very small. If we were on foot it could have killed quite a few of us.. but the thick skin of our trucks kept us safe.
I had no inital thoughts on the explosion… but as the night went on I slowly got more and more aggrivated. If the stupid fucking beebs had been doing their jobs then I would be nothing more than a shitstain on the remains of my HUMVEE. My opinion on the locals drops yet another peg.
This brings me to a new “Invention” if you will…. Beebwire (soon to be copywright protected) brings you all of the security you need in Iraq. Â Beebwire consists of multiple strands of barbed wire running through… thats right… thru the corpese of disembowled Beebs!!! Pick up lengts of 50, 100, and 250 foot sections at your hometown Haji-Depot today… or even better… Make your own!!!
Peace bitches.
The Antichrist Incarnate
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