im seriously not leaving my apartment without my camera ever again. Today i have been haunted throughout midcity by these black market ice cream men. These people drive around in this sketchy looking van with this awful music blaring on repeat selling ice cream out of a window they took out on the side. It’s so hilarious watching the looks on parent’s faces when their kid runs after it.
My favorite tho is the one guy who has a retired uhual truck, bring orange and yellow with a huge hole cut out of the side of it. It’s like a bunch of stoners decided one afternoonĂ‚Â that they were going to make a ice cream truck, stole a uhual truck and just went to town.
I swear after today im going to carry my camera with me so that i can catch this shit on film. I seriously can’t put into words the fascination i have with this new orleans oddity…
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