Hrmm, well, i forgot to update with a nice cheery happy thanksgiving message yesterday. Probably not gonna keep me awake tonight. Thanksgiving for me was great, i went to my uncles, the stuntman. There we ate and drank and had a jolly thanksgiving. I’ve never heard “No, you’re gonna have 3 pieces of pie, or i’ll stab you”. God bless Italians. It was a weird feeling, having consumed so much food, then like zipping all the food you ate into a zip file, then like downloading more stuff.
Christ, where is my creativeness today…hrmm…well, oh yeah, hahaha, a few days ago i was talking to my good friend Natalie on the phone when she asked if i was making dinner. I replied, yes as i opened the can of Campbellsâ„¢ Chunky Soup with that familar open tin can sound. I dumped the contents of the can into a bowl which then really resembled dog food. Natalie thought the resemblence of feeding toad 3 cans a day and walking him would make for a intresting pet. I can see the commericals now, BUY YOUR OWN SNUGGLETOAD TODAY!
Hmm, was that last paragraph not as funny as it could have been? I feel like i wrote it wrong but when i think of when it happened it seemed so much more funny…hmm…oh yeah! My t-shirt guy mailed me wednesday, the shirts have been printed and are being delievered to my parents house. This is the schedule now, the shopping cart is done and coded, so November 15th, when i drive to Memphis to see my little sister’s ballet dance thing, i will pick up the huge box-o-shirts then. That means, i take the shirts back with me to the cardboard box i’ll be living in in New Orleans, setup the credit card processing, and bam. Still can’t give ya date yet tho, sorry.
It’s kinda funny. is the most stable thing in my life right now. Im quitting my job to move to a city full of people who drink as much as me and i’m going work on “web pages” for the “Internet”. My mental life is a cool tangle of dead animal corpses and my spiritual life is nonexistant. That leaves the life. That’s great, shirts gonna be on sale soon, people are reading it again and i’ve met alot of hot chicks who read it.
I’d like to apoligize for such a shitty update. I just don’t really too funny yet today. Im kinda hungry and it’s really cold in here which i think is messing with my concentration? Gawd, i can’t even think up a good excuse today…hmmm.
mp3 of the day:
Desperado – Intro by El Mariachi.mp3
DetctiveMills: im downloading cultures
DetctiveMills: game like aoe
SnuggleToad: hmm
SnuggleToad: cultures?
SnuggleToad: omg
SnuggleToad: hahaha
SnuggleToad: what a fucked up name
SnuggleToad: i wanna be the drug culture
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