i didn’t walk home tonight

The hroe camera and all it’s goodness pictureness is in wes’s bravadaoa in neils parking lot. It was we’s 21st birthday. It brougbt back a lot of mem0ries cuz it’s a diferent life af ter 21. Cuz like yeah.

I drank a lot of beer, stumbled around asking for a ride home and found one. This update is a total precum of a update before the update tommorow. Cuz tommorow i’m gonna roll up with 30 ass showing pics from last night and all you bitch ass readers will be freaking. Yeah.

Befiore i forget, i gotta give a shout out to my notre dam hores up north. I saw Ricky tonight at the bar(picture in wes’s car). I felt kinda bad cuz he looked at me and was like “dude you remember me right?” and i look at him and say “hi, no i don’t sell weed”. Turns out he went to school with me. The people you run into while running around in a bathrobe at a bar.

On a side note, i’d like to just say how weird the past 6 months have been. Only since im gonna move out of this apartment. It’s kinda started.

I look at apartments as measurements of time. “I really when me and ___ lived in ____ and we smoked a lot of _____ and we had sex with ____ all the time.”

Those are measurements of time, not years, not months, it’s ‘those times’ that really measure life. It’s been weird tho. Just when i was wanting shit to get fucked up it really has. It’s really times like this that make me feel good about being myself. That i can get fucked up and write forever in my stupid little website and at least make one person snicker.


Thats all i want 🙁

Wow it’s reall fucking late. The last 2 paragraphs had nothing to do with the introductory paragraph. If you read all the bullshit before then you’re just shaking your head saying “why did i click on that link before, this website is pretty fucking lame”.

I do it too.

🙁 hehe

I am going to be the white Will Smith.

After that, i gotta jump into the movies. I’m gonna follow Will’s style and just take some small parts before i get my first break. Just like Will did with Bad Boys with Martin Lawrence. Thats the movie where i’ll help out on the soundtrack. Then from that comes the music video. Then i will be, the white, Will Smith.


Then Will and I will do our first movie. I’m gonna convince him to do a sequel of Wild Wild West with me. I can be the villian, it’s okay, i’m willing to lose to the king. I have this great idea for a scene too. When James West(Will Smith) finds a time machine and comes to the year 2002 to fight crime. He’ll sneak into my huge warehouse of weed that i’m importing into America. But right before we fight we’ll break into song with some catch bass beats blaring in the background while we fight and rap that unique brand of Will Smith Rap.


I can picture it so clearly. James West in his cowboy boots shooting at me while i dodge the bullets ala Matrix style. He’ll finally trap me in a magical little cube and fire me into space, where i’ll return again. The sequel.

So thats basically what i’ve decided to do with my life.

Sandwich Karma

First Chad brings over 2 sandwiches, one turkey, one ham. I come inside from my run, already wet from the rain pouring down and eat the ham. Two hours later, i eat the turkey as a pre-drinking barrier before we go to Nate’s weekly at Hardrock.

Of course at Hardrock the liquor flowed. I had numerous Markers Marks and was definetely feeling it. Ian gets this huge plastic cup of gin and tonic water. This cup was a foot tall and was mostly gin. When Ian got up to say hi to a old friend, i pour little of his drink into mine. My drunk logic said that since Ian was driving that he didn’t need to have that whole drink.

This happened about 3 times. When Ian finally gets back i confess to him that i’ve warezed have his drink.

Guess it’s okay tho since they mix him another monster gin and tonic. Then they do shots. I had half a bar all yelling COME ON TOAD, DO A SHOT! while i’m trying to keep the Maker’s Mark from coming up all over the bar.

After that we decide that it’s time to leave. I stumble behind Ian as we walk into the Hardrock kitchen and make 2 sandwiches. This part is kinda blurry and i remember eating half of it when i got home but i’m sure it’s still in my fridge.

The weekend is over.

It’s not like i gotta work at 8am tommorow…i have to wake up and pretend like i’m being productive while trying to get the big broken machine that is my portfolio to slowly roll forward. The wonderful cycle of work and bills.

It’s been a good weekend tho. Went to a party and met a bunch of people who read my site who i’ve never met before. Had the strongest cranberry and Marker’s Mark i’ve ever had in my entire life last night.

I’ve spent most of it binging on warcraft…which im getting sucked into again….will finish later…

My Friday

I put on KMFDM – Symbols on the Iriver and had one of the best runs of my life, coming home covered in mud. On the drive back i see Chad pull into my parking lot with 3 forties of Crazy Horse and Miller High Life. I get back, shower, chill with Chad, play numerous games of Horecraft, smoke gawd how many bowls, and then Chad and i go pick up Micaela from work. Chad insists on driving after i drop my keys twice on the way to the car.


Then Sara gets off work and any tiny small plans that required soberiety i had planned for the evening, like eating, are now just a small reminders of what i should be doing. We first go to Melange, probably my favorite bar in memphis.

This is where a really funny mixup happened when Sara bought me a drink and then the waitress brings the drink i ordered right before Sara showed up. I’ll never forget Sara saying “oh it’s okay, it’s just a jack and coke”. 1 drink + 1 drink = staring at girls on dance floor and not able to remember anything else that happened at Melange last night.


Gawd, then somehow, we end up driving downtown to Alferds. I’m not really sure if i like Alferds cuz i’m always coming from somewhere where i’ve already been getting fucked up. So i love everything about it, everytime. The bouncers at the door, the rednecks, and i never seem to remember how much i drank.


Another drive back home i don’t remember, then from the look of my computer i played more warcraft. I sleep until 1pm the next morning with a dead cellphone.

Start Saturday.html

I've cut my Tori intake

I recently made a really good rip of Boys For Pele so that was definetely in effect on the train. Then if i'm drinking at home…alone…Tori is usually playing. Then when I found out my new car's cd player only likes cds of decent quality so i've been stuck playing cd's i actually bought(all like 10 of them). So again, the scratched Boys For Pele comes out.

The problem here is you can't really listen to a lot of Tori without it affecting you. This goes especially true for the car. You can't pull up at stoplights screaming along to Caught A Light Sneeze preparing for karoke everyday. People stare. Just because the new Sam Cooper goes above the ghetto, don't think for a fucking second the ghetto isn't spilling out on to it. You have to have aggressive posture at all stop lights. You need Ohgr. You need KMFDM. You need System Of A Down. Not Tori.

So i'm cutting back. I'm gonna get some good quality cd's, take the Tori out of the car, maybe download some more mp3s and just cut back. Find the Deftones cds trapped under the couch.

I’ll just have one….

I met sean up at melange for a few drinks. A few expensive drinks. Then when sara joins i had more expensive drinks. I was testing out something sean calls “the sean” which is makers mark and cranberry juice. He said it was born out of not having anything else to mix in the house but it’s really quite good….

So of course, now that i’ve consumed any amount of alcohol, the drinking continues. Sara drives us to The Full Moon Club where Nate was spinning. I walked out on to the balcony and smelled the already burnt pot, sighed and walked back in and got another drink. There i talked to Brad about how we’re gonna get neon green lights under our cars.

Sara leaves to go see Ian and since she was buying my drinks, i leave 30 minutes later. On the walk home i stopped in at Neils since it was a Wednesday and i was definetely in a karoke mood. Since it was 2am and she was closing up i didn’t get to do a song this time…..she said she’ll be up there Friday so i may hit her up then….get there really early and help her carry speakers in so she picks me first, hehe….

So in one day Internet access and alcohol have destroyed my work ethic and sleep schedule. I rolled out of bed at 10:30am, saw the 3 voicemails, called the clients back, told them that I heard the phone ring but i can’t do shift and talk on the cellphone at the same time. That, is of course, webdesigner for “I got fucking light up last night and can barely see and walk, much less answer my phone before noon”.

The workday begins at 1:34pm, greaaaaat…