happy birthday wes

Wes turned 23 yesterday.

happy birthday, wes. even thoyou are still passed out on our couch, you can read this later. if you wake up.

we all met up at Neils for Wes’s free bartab that he gets on his birthday. It was wednesday tho. This meant karoake. We sat up front for a while, i eyed the karoake stage, shook my head and said i wasn’t feeling it today.

I sang Love Me Two Times by The Doors. When i get to hell Jim Morrison is going to kick my ass. This was quite possibly the worst redendition of this song or any Doors, ever. It involved growling into the microphone and rolling on the floor at the end. I put on a good stage show but the vocals lack what’s really needed to compete in the karoake circuit.

Dreams are meant to only be dreams.

afterwards when i returned to my pitcher of beer and friends, i had 4 complete strangers come up and give me props on my beautiful singing.

i have a meeting in 4 hours. i have a glass of water and the last beer in the entire house. this day is going to suck ass.

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