just looked at a aparment about ten feet from some hole in the wall bar….just saw some people smoking pot on a sidewalk…need to just sign the lease now
Month: April 2007
the shovels that bury me
god so gary and tammy say they talk to my landlord the other day. they mention im going to move out soon. i had been thinking about buying a house or something in this great city but i’m just looking and flirting, not dating any houses.
tammy says she saw my apartment on craigslist.
i walk calmly back to my computer and type in my address in craigslist.
Yup that’s my address.
So i do what any rational person would do, call my landlord.
I go “so heh yah about my apartment being on craigslist”…..
He just had the address wrong, he always gets them confused.
I talk with him for a little bit longer about websites.
I mean seriously. Anyone who knows anything going on in my life knows this was almost the straw that put the camel on top of the building with a gun.
Anyway, i’m soldiering forward. I’m just going to keep drinking, cutting and yelling my way to webdesign heaven.
lol all up on it sek
sitting here at 10:48pm all drunk blaring supertramp – goodbye stranger at the top of my $20 altec lansing speakers:
ScoutMassaToad: wikipedia is sitting on my face
Chipunk007: all up on it?
ScoutMassaToad:Â Â Â yes
ScoutMassaToad: all
ScoutMassaToad: up
ScoutMassaToad: on
ScoutMassaToad: it
ScoutMassaToad: >:o
Chipunk007: ooo baby
So friday i get a ride home, well not exactly home, a ride to a bar where a bar where i’m meeting pam and anne to work on shit.
I get there and order a abita amber and eventually get a shot. we have a pretty good meeting, lots of yelling and shouting and drinking. We packup the laptops and wander up to the bar and have a drink there before we go our seperate ways.
This girl sits down next to us. Anne is telling me how much we’re pulling in per week now. I go “Then we have enough to start buying girls drinks!” and I pay for her drink. She laughs and thanks me. The old guy thats sitting next to her and my group start talking to her. I watch her carefully remove a cigarette. I quickly pick up a book of matches and light it one handed. Everyone sitting around is us like “wtf how did you do that”. Remember kids, you can only gurantee if you use a fresh book of matches each time you light one handed. I dunno what it is but a fresh pack is the best way.
Anyway *cough*
She says she works at a bar downtown and was just havin ga few drinks before work. I’m like “oh damn i love that place, havn’t been there in years.” We decide to take share a cab. The cab pulls up, we pour our drinks into cups and head out.
I walk with her to work, get a drink, exchange information and head out into the quarter. This time i was able to go out and have a few drinks and not end up sleeping in a alleyway. That was last friday.
I get home and go over to Garry and Tammy’s. Ray decides he’s going to teach me a few irish phrases. He thinks this is a great idea with me completely obliterated after a evening drinking. He writes out a phrase and i read it. Then i make notes. So hilarious. I can barely speak english at this point and im trying to figure out Irish…oh well, i still have my notes.
turns out she’s married
i was actually kinda depressed about it. i guess this happens as you get older. oh well, people get divorced everyday, ya know? thats what i gotta remember when i think about all the married women i want…
the divorce rate is on my side.