i’m fucking sick…i had 3 aim windows helping me stalk this web designer from maine…i’m just gonna come clean with her monday and say “hey, look, i’m attracted to you, are you on myspace, i need to know if you are married, have kids and weight over 200 lbs”
i’m not gonna phrase it like that…or i hope so…. still, i just want to know. i can’t describe what it does to me when i talk to a sexy voice that knows the same problems i know…we’ve talked a few times and shared deep things about business but i think it’s time for me to cross that line.
now this isn’t a client or anything…it’s just some woman who helped me out with a site in the past…there is no danger in saying “do you have a myspace” or however i’m going to slur it to her….
i just don’t know, i want to know…the rejection is half the fun of this….
i hope she is either fat, married, gay or old.
gay, fat, married or old…i’m so shallow..maybe i should kill myself .
i am sending her a link to crackhore regardless…anyone lusted over needs to know about it. something about how she wanted to know how my super shady business was setup and telling her just turned me on…it turned me on that she wanted to know how my duct tape and string was setup…
the fact that i’m even writing a follow up post about some woman i’m stalking says a lot about my life…shame on toad, for all he has done…even my homeless friend albert looked at me today and was telling me “not to hurt myself”…i was hoping this wasn’t written all over my face but fuck…
i was starving so marla and i walked to the bulldog…which is usually way too yuppie for my tastes but i was hungry and needed a place i could get cheap bar food with marla…i go in and end up sitting with a table full of teachers…i hit on this gorgeous blonde and actually get her number….i started texting her and she’s responding…i just don’t even know what to say…all i can do is talk about myself and try to look like a worthwhile person to be with…
oh well, back to the silk sheets by myself for another night of doubt, wonder and self hatred.
i was searching through e-mails today with a really weird search string and a e-mail came up from valerie from 2 years ago. it hit me how just totally fucked up “life” is now and how simple and stupid things were when you broke up with her…you had all the chances in the world to make a good life after that breakup but you seemed to fuck up at every step and now you’re “where you are”.
after a few bad text msgs on my part she says i can call her tomorrow…i want so badly to sit down and find out more about her…we talked for a few hours tonight but i want to know more…
72 hours from now i know i’ll be sitting in this same chair listening to radiohead and smoking thinking it’s time to kill myself but whatever.