Wow…..i never thought i’d be writing this update…10 years…a entire decade of of nonsense…it’s funny to think about how this site has changed over last…decade…how we have both changed….it’s kinda sad actually how i used to just work on this site 24/7…the daily updates and adventures, most of which have been lost in a mixture of server and self failures….
The party is raging over here, can’t believe i’m typing this. The 2nd load of kegs, hotwings, cocaine and strippers just got here so it’s about to be on again. There has to be 200+ people here, the video and pics are going to be hilarious(i’ll upload them later).
Anyone reading this post and thinking to themselves, “wow he has that site a while”, thank you for sticking through the good and the bad, then the worse, then the complete garbage i post now 😀
i’d like to make a resolution and say “okay, no more ignoring crackhore, your one true love” but i’m not going to even bother. It’s kinda great to think about how optimistic about your future “art” when you’re in your peak. I guess it was easier for all of us to think about artistic projects such as crackhore when gas isn’t going up by the day and people are paying less for sites.
I still however feel that i have kept the faith. I’m still drinking constantly, listened to 3 nin albums today while working…i even cut myself a few months ago…i still get mean and insane on whiskey and still know that one day tori amos will marry me….
Anyway, someone just opened a $200 bottle of wine in honor of the site and this stripper is grinding new sores into my lap, so i think im going to have a few glasses and go back to the party.
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