Kelly and i were laying in bed a week ago deciding on what to do for food and how to spend the rest of the afternoon. She says “okay let me just shower get ready and we”ll go”.
Kelly takes a while to get ready and we’re just going into the ghetto to buy bbq. Doesn’t require a shower, imo.
I gracefully inform her that she doesn’t need to get ready, that i’m hungry. I was, starving.
I say it in a manner that comes off very “no this is the way it’s gonna be”.
She turns to me and proclaims,
I’m the man! I have a penis! I’m gonna take it out, wave it around and tell YOU what to DO!
I kinda sit back agreeing with her and say “yeah! you’re right!” After all, I am the man, i has a penis!
She then says “okay well you do that while i get ready!”
In the end she didn’t shower tho 😀
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