i’ve come full circle…

The first step with hardware repair for toad is to boot up the laptop, msg boar, msg sektor, and begin the troubleshooting process. I rip out all the unnecessary pci cards, all those cards like the soundcard and the network card, the stuff only faggots use and try again. No power. Boar tells me it’s probably the power supply. I sigh, carry out the monitor, keyboard and all the other crap i’ve infected my dad’s office with and go back in for case.

I figure it’s best to call CompUSA before i drive my ass all the way out there to see if they have a power supply. I’m on hold when suddenly i hear this queer sound on the roof of the office. It almost sounds like rain. It is rain.

Running through the main room, out the door and into the pouring rain. All my windows are rolled down and my passenger door is open. Fist. Laughing hysterically while running through the parking lot, i cover the monitor, roll up the windows and close the door.


Drive to compusa, buy power supply. I’ve only lost 2 hours of my workday. We can still get something done. I arrive home, open up the case and put the new power supply in. Fuck, for some reason the screws arn’t lining up. I retreat to my aim windows for more hardware advice. No one has any idea why the screws wouldn’t match up. I spend another 10 minutes staring at it and playing with it before i realize, hey, the screws would line up if i flipped it over. Upside down. Fist.

I plug the computer back in, get the fire estinguisher from the kitchen, tell everyone on aim to wish me luck and hit the power button. No smoke, no fire, just the warm feeling of watching your system count ram. Back in business.

The moral of this story. Buying a case at a computer show is a lot like buying a prostitute. Sure, you can go cheap but about 6 months from then you’ll be cursing.

(random cute picture)


It’ll take me a few more sober hours to figure out the really l33t details of it but im wet with anticipation. This is a far cry from when i would take the index.html and add the latest update, screw up the images and thumbnails, end up deleting the update by accident, throwing up and going to bed. The advancements kept moving forward but now, i think i’ve find what ive been looking for….

Those were left outside my apartment. Needless to say after a few forties the digital camera had to come out.


The Story of WesLocks and the 3 Couches

“This couch is too pink!” he exclaimed.

So, he laid down on the second couch.

“This couch smells like Marla!” she aid

So, he laid down on the last couch, the white couch.

“Ahhh, this couch is just right,” he said happily and he drifted peacefully off to sleep.

As he was sleeping, the Sara home.

“Someone’s been sleeping in my bed and he’s still there!” exclaimed Sara.

Just then, Weslocks woke up and saw Sara. He screamed, “I could have slept on the pink couch!” And he jumped up and ran out of the room. Weslocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And he never returned to the home of the three bears.



All throughout our lives we are owned. Being owned, meaning that you have been defeated in a battle against life, happens to us all everyday. Millions of times, we’re all owned over and over. For example, getting a phone call 3 hours before your flight telling you that it’s been cancelled.. A really really nice old Indian lady told me, really really slowly, that there were several severe mechanical problems and that the flight had been moved to….*drum roll*….5:15am! 5:fucking15am This is so gay, i’m sitting here completely dressed and ready to go away for 4 days and then i’m just here chilling. You don’t really plan anything for your day when you were expecting to be leaving the city……

I ain’t no bitch tho, i’m not going out like that. I’m just gonna sit there and smile while Delta treats me like i’m prison. No way will i let him crawl all over me, pull off his bandanna and stuff it in my mouth and just let him own me. I refuse to be owned without a fight. Tommorow morning toad will walk into the airport dressed in a suit and tie and say “Do you have any idea how important this meeting was? Have you ever heard of a little company called Microsoft? Well because of your goddamn plane being owned, i couldn’t make my meeting. My boss is going to own me because of this. I want free tickets for next month.”

off i go

well, ian is on his way to gimmie a ride to the airport. I got the laptop in the bag, camera charging and i’m forcing some oatmeal down before i get my Miller High Life for the plane ride. This’ll be the last update for a few days unless i stumble upon some internet access in erin and me’s little roadtrip adventure. If my plane crashes, then i want all of you to know how much i love each and every one of you. Especially the ladies.

Peace outttt…..

at the office mmmm

Ain’t nothing better then drinking beer in a office. Especially when everyone there thinks your drinking water. See, the trick is to put the Brita Pitcher next to your huge foamy plastic cup of beer, so the whole time their like “oh, water” while you’re like “haha hell yeah, water in the house!”. I should have got a forty but i settled for a tallboy/two by four/24 oz can. At the gas station the lady takes a good 20-30 seconds to verify my age then commented on how young i looked and what was my secret. I informed her that the trick was just to drink when you were hungry and the pounds would fly off. We both laughed and i headed to the office.

Tonight is ian’s going away party. The camera is coming. Neither me or the camera may come back..