
halfway through the bottle…mmmm…meeting at 9am with fathertoad….must not drink anymoreee

went from pretty hate machine to tori….nice transition….gonna move to pink floyd after this…

gawd how many nights has this scenario been played out…..toad gets drunk by himself, in the dark, after saying to himself that he doesn’t want to drink. then after the 2nd glass, annie msgs toad, of course under a different screenname, toad blocks her, puts on more music and drinks more….

today i was thinking about just how boring life really is….people stumble day after day though their work days, go home and go to bed……then there are those of us who get drunk/high after work….while that adds it’s own excitement, it still gets boring just like sober life….

i guess i’m just sick of the work, make money, spend money, work, spend money, drink, work, spend money shit. like that’s all we have to look forward to. we occasionally get to take a trip out of our lifestyle but then come right back to the rat race…

stab stab stab


about this time every month i quit drinking for a week or two….but after this baton rouge adventure i decided that it needs to happen again…..

i guess this is technically day 2 of no alcohol toad.

i am bored.

i went for a run around 6, thinking that any kind of exercise will force my body to fall asleep. After a good meal, 2 kava kava’s, 2 Rite Aide sleeping pils, i’m sitting here in the dark listening to beethoven wondering what that bottle of wine on my kitchen table would taste like.

oh fuck, i had completely forgot about that wine until i typed that sentence out


new baton rouge

hehe well our trip to new orleans turned more into a trip to baton rouge. after the drive down there and the partying that happened later that night, most of us were too hungover to even consider the hour drive to new orleans….

pics and full update will be up tommorow….

Baton Rouge

Well, we stop at some bumfuck town in Mississippi and we go to a Exxon that has a subway in it. Then everyone decides they want to go to Wendy's.

Fine, i order my sub, sit down, stare my reflect in the window, eat my tasty BMT and go gas up the car. Then i notice a little package store near by. Helloooo, hehe. I walk in, buy a tiny bottle of jack daniels, pour it into my subway cup and pull up to Wendys. Wes opens the door, says “hey, we're gonna get some whiskey from that package store” then slams the door. I laugh hysterically.

They get their whiskey, i, already have my whiskey and off we go. We put in Homogenic and by the time we get to Jackson i'm really buzzed. We keep driving, i don't even remember what music we're listening to but we get to Baton Rouge during rush hour and i'm screaming out my window, still buzzed from my whiskey drunk, yelling at motorists to get the fuck out of my way.

We get to Swede's.

We drink for 2 days straight. The first night Wes and I plow through a bottle of whiskey, it gets blurry and i end up asleep on a couch.

We wake up, decide not to drive to NewOrleans, go to a resturant in baton rouge, half the table orders bloody mary's and we eat. We stop at a gas station, everyone buys beer, except for toad who gets 2 bottles of wine, we go back to swede's, i eat the rest of my steak, finish off the 2 bottles of wine.

We wake up the next morning, hungover as hell and i drive them all to jack in the box. There some young couple, him in a tie, her in a dress, are having their post Church meal. We stumble in, toad wearing the same clothes from saturday, everyone else looking as cracked out as him. We order our food, eat at swede's and leave.

I need to stop drinking soon


Toad arrives at the office he shares with his dad at 4pm with a brown paper bag of fried chicken and a 40. Toad sees his dad’s stuff in the office but toad’s dad isn’t there.

Toad quickly pours the 40 into a huge cup to hide the fact that he is a alcoholic. As toad walks quickly to the kitchen to dispose of the empty 40 he runs into his dad. He comments that it’s kinda early for a 40. Toad laughs uncomfortably and sips his beer.