bum bum bum bum, this is the only time sql server feels alive!!!!!!!!!
bum bum bum bum bum bum
maybe i’m all messed up in code! maybe im all messed up! OH! OH! oh oh ohoh, yah yah yah uh huh, asdlfkjasldfkjasldkfj
bum bum bum bum, this is the only time sql server feels alive!!!!!!!!!
bum bum bum bum bum bum
maybe i’m all messed up in code! maybe im all messed up! OH! OH! oh oh ohoh, yah yah yah uh huh, asdlfkjasldfkjasldkfj
Ive been trying to update my blog daily but since im now a nocturnal being, im going to update it right when i wake up? I’m writing this in notepad right now since i can’t hit crackhore since the power is out at the hosting copmany. This kinda sucks cuz i can’t read my last post and figure out where to take up from.
I woke up yesterday morning, quickly coded 3 things that had to be done 3 hours ago, rotted at my computer for god knows how long and then went to a client’s house. I setup his ftp program and Photoshop, get paid, and decide to make a quick u-turn for Busters and the Exxon for a lighter *wink face*. I buy my lighter, a thing of Red Gatoraide, since i planned on vodkaing it last night, and then head to the liquor store. As i walk in, this real country looking black guy asks one of the stocking boys if he has some random kind of alcohol. They walk up to where im standing and the guy asks what sizes they have, he says “oh all of um, even the mason jar”. I look down to the bottom shelf and yup, there it was in, a jar. Georgia corn whiskey. The guy says he doesn’t know about the jar, i reach down and grab one, say “okay i’m sold!” and pay for it.
I later realize at sek’s that corn whiskey does not mix very well at all with Gatoraide. I pour a nice tall glass of Kentucky Tavern instead and proceded to drink. We watched that great special on Cinemax about Prostitutes. I’m pretty sure the highlight of that show was when prostitute starts screaming about if he knew the condom broke. After that she starts screaming “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” and he asks if the cum is coming out. She says no.
I was rolling on the floor at this point. It was like the little peg of humor fit perfectly in it’s place.
After Janna buys us more beer, i think i finished mine and decided to leave. It was a really intresting drive home, with the pink floyd, the pouring rain and the head full of dank. I arrived home, unhurt and sat up till around 7am reading Warriors Of God, a history of the 3rd Crusade. Not a bad day….
god that last 40 last night was probably a bad idea…i woke up today feeling terrible…..decided to go see the matrix by myself…which was fucking nuts….
The show i wanted to go to was sold out so i had 45 minutes to kill, which i used to buy my mother a late mother’s day present and drove around the Paradiso parking lot blazing dro and blaring KMFDM. Finally when i figured i was adjusted enough to see the movie, i sat outside for a extra 5 minutes waiting for the Poweraide commercial to pass. There is so many things wrong with that commercial that i’d need a new whole other website to truely explain it.
The movie was nuts. I had extremly high expectations of this movie and they were all fufilled. So many stupid fucking geeks out there and their stupid websites nitpicking plots, saying the special effects ran the show. Shrug, it’s a action movie, it’s supposed to have leet special effects….
Came home, crashed on couch for about 5 hours…woke up at midnight…not tired at all..now it’s simpsons episodes and water….ugh
ElxOscurOxUno: Naire = the devil
SCOUTmasterTOAD: haha why
SCOUTmasterTOAD: lol
SCOUTmasterTOAD: nice
ElxOscurOxUno: And the raised, burnt skin that remains doth ooze cortizone as we speak in a attempt to heal it.
SCOUTmasterTOAD: holy shit
SCOUTmasterTOAD: 🙁 🙁
ElxOscurOxUno: Im doing the body building thing so i thought i would try it vs shaving.
ElxOscurOxUno: well im in a world of hurt now lol
SCOUTmasterTOAD: haha 🙁
ElxOscurOxUno: Yeah stfu lol
ElxOscurOxUno: I thought i would tell you so you could use it ont he site lol
I started off at the first bar, eating my fill of wings and probably drinking a case of beer. I play 3 songs on the juke box, when the woman sitting at the other of the bar, with her husband, demands that i dance with her. I look over to him and he says “naw, it's okay!” with a smile and she drags me out of my chair.
I'm not much of a dancer so i basically put my arms up in the air and dance around in circles screaming along to the Eagles. Ian tried to get a pic but it turned out to be just a closeup of Butthead on my shirt.
Around 1:30 i decide to stop by Neils. It's packed, so my opportunity of karoake is decimated for the night, so i drink a beer, buy another one and start to walk out the door. A 40 something guy, dressed casually, says to me as im walking out, “hey, if you take that outside you're gonna get arrested”. I mutter something about him fucking off and continue to walk to the door. Suddenly i feel a hand on my wrist and my beer disappearing. I turn, push him and he grabs at my beer again. As he grabs it, i turn it sideways and Michelob pours all down the front of his shirt. I laugh, tell him thats what he gets and walk out.
Driving home tho, i kept thinking about it. It really pissed me off that this guy tried to take my beer. I pulled over, bought a 40 of Miller Light, opened in the parking lot and drank it while driving home. Out of spite.
SCOUTmasterTOAD: this guy tried to stop me from walking out a of a bar
SCOUTmasterTOAD: with a open beer
SCOUTmasterTOAD: and i shoved him
SCOUTmasterTOAD: and he decided to take the beer from me
SCOUTmasterTOAD: i shoved it down his shirt and left
SCOUTmasterTOAD: now im pissed
SCOUTmasterTOAD: cuz i could be drinking that beer
bjOrnfuegO: lol
SCOUTmasterTOAD: could have beat him and took beer
SCOUTmasterTOAD: god
SCOUTmasterTOAD: so not happy
bjOrnfuegO: where were you?
SCOUTmasterTOAD: can’t wait to work out tommorow morning
SCOUTmasterTOAD: at neils
bjOrnfuegO: hmmm
SCOUTmasterTOAD: that bar is more like my apartment then my apartment
SCOUTmasterTOAD: so someone taking a beer from me there
bjOrnfuegO: i wish i would have been with you
SCOUTmasterTOAD: was kinda weird
SCOUTmasterTOAD: hmm
SCOUTmasterTOAD: im glad you werent
SCOUTmasterTOAD: cuz i’d be covered in bleed
SCOUTmasterTOAD: err
SCOUTmasterTOAD: blood
SCOUTmasterTOAD: it’s okay tho, im gonna use this tommorow morning
SCOUTmasterTOAD: for my morning ritual of cutting and exercise
SCOUTmasterTOAD: no one will ever take my beer from me, ever
hehe okay today im stoned as hell and in a huge hurry driving down Central, tailing some car thats is suddenly. The car starts to slow down and turns down some random street. But instead of turning like most cars, this one basically stops for about half a second while turning, leaving me to mad downshift and check the rear view mirror for the semi-truck that im glad wasn’t there.
As i honk, turn to see what the fucking issue is in the car, and lift my fist up in a weird “I’ll get you next time!” motion and shake it. What i didn’t see is the car that was coming the other way on the street, a young mother and her kid in a car seat. They both make eye contact with me, since it seemed very apparent i was making the Superman fist pose at them.
I let off the clutch and hit the gas and drove off…..hope i see her someday in the grocery store…i’ll recognize her..hahskdfhadlf
Was listening to happiness in slavery a few minutes ago. In the last few seconds of the song he says “happiness controls you”. It got me thinking, how much time we waste trying to be happy. Happiness controls us all?
god, 3am, need to put down the aim list and go to bed…
hmm the pics i took the other night at hardrock weren’t on my camera the next morning. So now i figure i have 1 of 2 bad flash cards. That sucks….about to say fuck it and replace both of um….2nd time i’ve lost pics..starting to get kinda depressing
well, the new crackhore.com is almost done…the store still needs to be converted over…but that may have to wait till later….
i really miss alcohol…been sober all day today…passing up my first beer…going straight into the evening without any alcohol so far….i give myself another 8 hours…
haha the best part about that pic is the stuff you can’t see. My 16 yr old sister, my dad, my mom and my girlfriend, all sitting in lawnchairs watching this terrible display. No one helping, keep in mind, just sitting and watching, mostly poking fun at my pathetic attempt to clean the car.
It rained today too.