febuary 20th

theres a lot of fuckers out there that are so mad fucked up right now. There is no way, in my puny little text and pictures of me in weird hats, describe, what, even in just the city of Memphis, how mad fucked up people are.

It’s only 9:30 but still, there are some people out there that are totally twisted on acid, screaming, laying in front yard, throwing up because they forgot how to breath. I know and meet lots of people who probably have never done any drugs. But if you happen to not do drugs and read this site(the 2-3 of you) just close your eyes for a second and imagine it.

All day long people have been forcing down as much pot in their body as possible. This one day, almost like a St Patrick’s Day of pot, sometimes with the cute label Earthday.

God, will finish this later, getting in shower, smelling like 4/20 🙁

happy jesus didn’t die on the cross day

that’s right motherfuckers, jesus had 3 children with mary of bethany, also mary magdalen. He didn’t die on the cross, it was a fraud. Just because the books the Vatican says are correct doesn’t mean their right.

So to all you Templars out there, specially mah fools chilling next to a huge vault holding the Holy Grail, and to Richard Plantard, i know your dirty little secret. I also wanna pour a little of my 40 out to the Prieure de Sion out in London. When you guys take over, i want you to remember all the little folks like me, k?

So when you’re in the park smoking your hippy pot, remember what Easter is all about.

Templars and lies.

mmmmm hair dye

I was in Rite Aide a few days ago buying a 24 case of Busch, a 2 liter of coke and cotton balls when the lady comments on my license. I still have the same pic from when i was 16 so she says “damn, different hair, different glasses” and i say “fuck, that reminds me, i need dye”. She says, and i quote, “i ain’t in no rush” so i dart back to the hair dye aisle.

Now this is marketing at it’s best. I scan the huge aisle of hair dye at my disposal. I remember how the number system works but that really doesn’t narrow it down since theres like 23432623 different brands. I quickly grab the box with the hotest girl on it and run back to the counter.

Nothing like waking up the next morning, so hungover i can barely walk, stumbling into the bathroom and looking in the mirror to see a head full of bright orange hair.

I went and got my haircut today, in preperation for the hair dye. I go to a pretty ghetto Supercuts kinda place and always get these weird rednecks cutting my hair. Now if you’ve never gone to get your haircut while high then your missing out. I never get the same ‘stylist’, all about the same, missing teeth, bad bleached job, etc. It’s always common to make small talk while they cut your hair.

Small talk with me after a bowl becomes something very very different tho. I try to keep the weird shit at a minimum but she mentioned Easter and that of course prompts my “jesus didn’t die on the cross” speech which has been gettting a lot of play lately. I love the Bible belt.


Passage: John Paul Getty Jr., 70
Billionaire philanthropist John Paul Getty Jr. died Thursday. The American-born benefactor gave about $200 million to various causes, and was knighted for his services to charity after he became a British citizen. After resigning from Getty Oil, Getty began a life of parties and drug-taking. But when his second wife died of an accidental drug overdose, Getty became a recluse. When his son was kidnapped in 1971, Getty’s father refused to help pay the ransom until the abductors cut off part of the boy’s ear and sent it to the family. In a rare public statement, Getty said he was “privileged to be the heir to huge wealth, and I regard myself as custodian of that money for the benefit of people who need it more than I do.”

that’s one hard nigga, you can’t get my money until you send me a ear.

crackhore.com – this redesign i was drunk!@$#$

SCOUTmasterTOAD: mmm salvation army is so great
SCOUTmasterTOAD: i got this tight $19 suit today
SCOUTmasterTOAD: for a wedding i have coming up 🙂
ratchildx: is it gold?
SCOUTmasterTOAD: naw it’s gray
SCOUTmasterTOAD: looks ultra deluxe
ratchildx: don’t know shit about suits
SCOUTmasterTOAD: haha me neither
SCOUTmasterTOAD: i paid $19 for it
SCOUTmasterTOAD: was like “mmm that one looks cool”
SCOUTmasterTOAD: now i got a brown and a gray one!
SCOUTmasterTOAD: you didn’t know how high class i was when we first started hanging out, huh?
ratchildx: baby you are so out of my league
SCOUTmasterTOAD: haha


went to salvation army today, spent almost $60 on all kinds of new goodies. This included the $3 new kids on the block poster i discovered, a intresting gray suit for $19, a neon orange Autozone collared shirt, few pairs of camo pants, and lots of other intresting garments.

cuz ive just been hangin tough yo


last night went up to my normal bar where Ian works on wednesdays. I sit up at the bar by myself talking to Ian most of the time but as regulars come in i find a crowd to talk to.

On one of my many journey’s back to the bar to get another beer, i slide into Ian’s conversation with a highly attractive girl. We sit and talk for a bit and somehow we come up on the topic of Easter. I start ranting about how Jesus didn’t die on the cross and that he had children that fled with Mary Magdalen to the south of France, etc and she holds her hands up to her head and starts going “lalala”. Was the funniest thing, seeing a Hooter’s waitress, shaking her head at the idea that Jesus might not have died…

i end up back at the table with one of the memphis cops that drinks there. I’ve gone out drinking with him before, he’s great, has lots of fucked up stories. There’s also nothing better then being really messed up on pain killers and talking to a law enforcment officer. So last night he starts telling me about all the info he can just bring up on their laptop that’s mounted in their car. Crazy things like anything you’ve ever pawned, really got me thinking. I better start behaving and obeying the law or they’re going to get me and it’s going to be really really easy.

After a few beers and a more intresting conversations with the Hooter’s waitress and Ian, i drove peacefully home listening to Frank Sinatra. And singing along.