Last i was feeling awfully depressed for reasons im not going go into, so after about 3 hours of laying on my mattress listening to music and waiting for death, i informed Ian that i was going to go to the Dollar Store. The Dollar Store near my apartment is deep within the heart of a mexican ghetto so Ian replied that if i didn’t come back in a hour that he would come out and look for me. The Dollar Store really is a great place because im beginning to use it to curb my American instict to purchase lots of things. So i wander through the Dollar Store picking up random things off the shelf just to see if i can scare Ian with my apartment full of crap.
Last night i bought:
1 measuring cup
1 kitchen towel with a cow on it
2 Baby Ruth Bars(one i gave to ian out of the blue)
1 pair of socks
1 oversized baseball card of Lance something or other(which i put in the bathroom above the toilet)
1 glass bowl
Then after i found out that i need to put Mac And Cheese in for 14 minutes, insted of 12. Ian and i sat on the couch, dined on Pikacho(sp) Mac And Cheese and watched Interview With A Vampire. Then after 4 glasses of wine the Pikacho came back up. I threw up in a cooler which happened to be next to my bed and i saw lots of bloody looking pikacho’s staring back up at me in the dim night light. Damn my lack of digital camera, hehehe.
mp3 of the day: Sublime – 40 oz to freedom.mp3
ToadwaysOpen: *hugs*
ToadwaysOpen: *unzips pants*
coolguyrna: no
ToadwaysOpen: im going to give you the choice i never had
coolguyrna: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
c r a c k h o r e . c o m
So im eating dinner last night with Ian, Candie and my friend from memphis, steve. We’re all enjoying our milkshakes and my good friend Ian remarks about the depressed look on my face. I explain to Ian that i am suffering from post-concert depression. Ian inquires what that may be. I explain to my young friend Ian that after every single concert or event which has thousands of attractive women, i get depressed. Ian is confused, it doesn’t make sense, why would toad be depressed after seeing a bunch of hot chicks? I explain further. Ian soon understands that after i see all these hot women and i come home to my apartment and lay down on my mattress, i am alone. I am alone on that mattress. All those hot chicks that i saw at the concert are not alone on their mattress. They are with other guys. After Ian sees this, he remarks that my mindset is “fucked up” and that i am “weird”.
So i want all of you people who read my site(except my mom) to and tell me if that depression is “fucked up” or “weird”. Thanks, hehehe.
Friday while installing a simple soundcard cable, i broke my c drive. All the pins were bent severely and it made a horrible painful sound when i turned it on to see if it would possibly work for a few minutes. What a great way to find out God hates you. BAM, your harddrive is gone. Everything for the past year written down, all the mp3s, everything. Gone. Most people now like to wittingly say “heh, do you have a backup?” knowing full well that backups are for little wussy girls who arn’t man enough to buy a new harddrive. Fags.
After this last work week i am more convinced that if Ian and i go another week without internet access, things are going to get bad. Last Wednesday after a long day at work we got drunk and stared at each other until Ian yelled at me and told me go to bed. That was at 9pm. Then the week before that it was toad
I was going to surpise whats left of my fans with a great update today with a editorial and everything but i copied the editorial to a floppy disk and then left the disk at the Crackcave. Damn.
On another note, i need to meet more friends. It’s great having Ian here because when i get that power cable for my camera i’ll have a partner in crime for a few projects have i planned. Only one of them is technically illegal so i should be able to write about them. Yeah, anyway, so ian and i have been pretty bored. Tuesday we had a bad day at work so we came home, drank a forty by the porch, went inside and stared at each other for about a hour and then went to sleep. I need to meet some more women too.
I’m really excited about Steve coming to Memphis this weekend. Steve is one of those people you meet and you realize they arn’t like everyone else. I don’t know all you normal people have friends that just seem like comic book heros but it definetely adds to the richness in life.
Visiting Saeda
A little background first. Saeda is a lovely friend of mine I met via the Internet. I decided one weekend that I did not want to spend another weekend walking through fields at 3am drunk while mumbling about aliens, so i talked Saeda into letting me visit her. Here are the pictures along with captions. Sorry about the load time, big images.
Day 1
Here is a picture of the traffic about 5 minutes from my house. I learned a very valuable lesson then. When you see a big flashing sign that says BRIDGE OUT! PREPARE TO STOP!, get comfortable, cuz your gonna be there a while. I listened to a entire cd while waiting for them to replace a bridge. At this one point i actually got out of my car, took a picture of this traffic because it owned me so hardcore.
After the cool traffic i settled in for the 8 hour trip deep into the heart of Alabama. Well not that deep, but it was pretty deep. My music didn't change much from its usual roadtrip music. I started out with one of Reel Big Fish's cds, i think it was the second one but i can't be sure. Then i decided i was getting a little too happy for my own good so listened to all three Tool albums in order, Rusty Nails II, a NIN bootleg, and then broke out Broken and Fixed. The trip was uneventful, since most of it was through the beautful landscape of Mississippi . Picture below, check out those great trees.
Then i started to run out of gas. Crap. The gas stations in Mississippi conjour up memories from Deliverance and i could have swore i heard banjos playing when i stepped out of the Horemobile. Luckily there is a little trick i use on roadtrips which seemed to have worked pretty well this time. If you dress like a native, they give you more respect, they give you better directions. For example, i wore a gas station attendent shirt and a Service Transport jacket which i bought for $3 at the Salvation Army. See, if you walk up into a gas station wearing a Boy George t-shirt you'll end up getting directions that lead into a empty field with a bunch of pickup trucks in a semi circle and guys with torches in hoods shouting obscentites at you. Trust me.
Since i was using directions which are about as reliable as's uptime, i made several stops to ask the locals if i was on the right track. This one time i pulled over and saw this.
I assumed it was a alien landing zone. It had to be.
Well anyway, the rest of the trip was uneventful and i got to Mobile, or so i had thought. I pulled into a BP, paged Saeda's friend and waited for them to call. They call me back, the conversation went like this.
someone paged “pagernumber”?? Yeah, this Saeda's friend, Toad? Oh, umm what do most people call you? Toad. Oh okay, where are you? A BP across from a Wafflehouse. Okay, we'll be there in a 15 minutes, we were showering together. *****Silence******
Well anyway, i sit outside this BP for about a hour, a dirty kinda mexican guy was waiting out there, he asked me why i took a picture of the Wafflehouse and since i didn't want to explain to him that i didn't have any friends in Memphis and that i have to drive 7 hours to meet them, i just simply responded that it was pretty. This guy kept chatting with me until his ride showed up. Thank Hore. So i sitoutside this wafflehouse for about 2 hours, page them again, they say they are coming, so i just chill. Im parked out in front of this BP and the attendents are starting to wonder. This guy is in our parking lot, he looks like a redneck but he has his door open and he is blaring NIN Fixed. I was waiting for one of them to come outside and explain to me that there were other places to hangout in Mobile besides this BP.
After a while Saeda and her friends arrive and after a fairly awkward meeting, i follow them back to their college.
We sat in Saeda's friend's dormroom for a while, decided to go eat in the cafeteria. My hunger seemed to be lacking for some reason so i only ate half a sandwhich. Of course, all of Saeda's friends make a comment about how little i eat and i felt weird. Hehe. Little did they know i was going to kill them and eat them. I mean..nevermind. We went back to the dorms and tried to decide what to do.
We hungout for a while, i of course, suggested the purcahse of alcoholic beverages. That was my 2nd lesson of the weekend, alcohol is the best path to the heart of college students. We woke up some guy who was 21, i paid for a small bottle of rum and we went back to the dorm to drink.
Do a little dance, have a little fun, get down tonight. Everyone gets pretty toasty and the digital camera becomes the center of attention. Then came the casual sex. These photos will be useful if any of these people run for political office, hehe.
Twice in one night, these kids were animals.
Here is a picture of a spilled rum and coke. I really wish i could remember why this was funny but it seemed hilarious at the time.
nick LAToad
After a intresting 3 day drive across the country, i am now a Californian. Sure, i don’t have a apartment, house or any other form of residence but tonight i have plans to purchase a Palm Pilot and find a cardboard box to live in. Luckily, until this cardboard box is found, which will be called the HoreBoxâ„¢ the owner of has allowed me to take residence up on his couch. We watched porn last night together which was really strange, am i the only one who feels weird watching porn with another guy? I always thought porn was a “one guy only” thing but not everyone feels that way. Oh well.
Many of you are requesting a editorial or project after my roadtrip out here. I’ll put it to you this way, my life is very very intresting and strange and this trip was basically one of the strangest occasions of my life. I can’t decide if i want to tell all my viewers or not because i know family members read this site and im not sure if i want them knowing about this particuliar adventure because well, this one was strange. My sidekick Ian came up with the idea to write out the project, with the photos i took and make a secret link and have people msg me for the link, therefore bypasses and family toad members viewing my version of Fear And Loathing.
I was getting really good at putting a picture up with each update but considering Hore3 is unplugged and is basically a cupholder until i find a new apartment worth being the new Crackcaveâ„¢, i won’t have any pictures up soon and not as many updates. Alot of you are having trouble understanding this. The way the internet works is you need a computer to update your site. One time at a bar i wrote a update on a napkin, including html tags and CSS and threw it up in the air thinking that it would be up on the page that instant. It didn’t. In fact i got yelled at.
I have a bunch of really good ideas for editorials and im keeping a nice list of them so they will eventually be created but im running into that problem again where i need a computer to write them so give me a few weeks. These are dark days of the so just chill out, read some old editorials and maybe go for a walk outside or something.
mp3 of the day: Baja Men – Who Let The Dogs Out.mp3
coolguyrna: something is bad, something is not working on this
Silly little love songs….
Skating was a bad idea but pretty good in retrospect. My body is so angry at me right now, it’s 5am and i can’t sleep. I hid the xanex from myself because the last time i had one i ended up talking about some pretty strange stuff. I actually think im depressed, too bad too cuz these past few days have been great. Geez, it’s 5am, i should just stay up all night, everytime i close my eyes i feel sick. Hmm, i wish i could find that damn xanex. I love looking around this apartment and thinking of all the crazy insane things that have happened here. Someday when my children are reading a archived version of this on some ancient child of the DVD, they’ll understand why they can’t drink alcohol because my DNA probably altered this weekend from all the beer. Hehehe, wow i get pretty creative when im really really tired. My aim list is so depressing at 5am, the only one awake is WildBoarz and he mostly ignores me.
Spider is gone and he owes me some money. I think some of my friends killed him. I’m not really sure how i should feel about it. Oh well.
Im gonna go visit Rain one more time tommorow to see how my little devil cat is doing. Rain was such a great portion of my life. I never knew how much evil could flow out of a little calico kitten. I remember one time i accidently left a A Perfect Circle cd playing the entire day while i was at work while Rain was in the apartment. Do you think a kitten could be effected by that music or are they just a lower species? Wow i should get some sleep, hehe. I think i’ll try again.
Yes, thats my blood. Yes, im comfortable with it.
God, still drunk, updating page. Big party, toad becomes blood brothers with that guy i kissed. I kissed alot of guys at the party. Met girl who was a red head and a lesbian. i think she wanted me regardless. I got hit by a car lastr night downtown and then went back to the party cuz i didn’t have any beer at my apartment. Yes, im a alcoholic, yes i am comfortable with it.
I’m starting to worry that im not going to sober up. I was drunk, skated and got hit by a car, mostly sober, went back to party, drank more, then it’s all blurry but im sure that cute lesbian wanted me. Lesbians kinda depress me because they make alot of eye contact, dance and pretend like they like guys but then BAM! Im gay, sorry. I hate America. Still drunk though. Stupid lesbians, well not stupid, just confused, how can anyone not like me? Seriously tho. Oh well, pretty lesbian girl named…..Monica, i know you love me and you can message me from my page from that link to the left. I’ll be waiting.
It’s nights like this that make my mother worry about me.
And she should.
I need to go to bed, i only slept for a few hours and i think i kinda just passed out from alcohol poisoning/blood loss. Did i spell poisoning right? Crap, oh well, Julie, my future boss, if you’re reading this, i only do this on the weekend and im always sober by the time i get to work, really.
Yes, I’m sober. Yes, I’m okay with that.
I’m glad im leaving Memphis. After four days of drinking, skating, and drinking and cutting and drinking i am finally sober. I have no idea how much money i spent or/and what i’ve drank in the past few days, but i am sober now. But i remember some of the stories, ehhehe.
Last night, 4am, im driving home from the last bar of the evening. I have a box of unopened wine in the backseat of my car along with lots of skating equipment. A friend of mine Spider is walking across the street and i scream and open the door and motion him to get in. He gets in, i floor it, we go over a curb and into this little field near my apartment. It’s not a big field, just like a pseudo front yard for the nicer apartments that are next to me but it’s just a fairly nice sized courtyard, yeah, a courtyard without anything but grass. The Horemobileâ„¢ tears through there and im slamming on the breaks and turning the wheel at 90 degree angles and spinning around and screaming along with the NIN playing in the car. Then we went to a Sessels because Taco Bell was closed. As we were walking around the well-lit grocery store, i kick over a advertisement board and scream “IM CASTORTOAD, YOU WATCH YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!”. Thats when we left with our TV dinners.
Wow, i drank alot this weekend.
On another note, a friend of mine has too much time on his hands so he annoys people on AIM for fun. Here is a log of him scaring some poor innocent child.
I’m not sure if my webpage updates can be used against me in a court of law but im gonna tell this part of the story anyway. Last night while driving home a friend of mine Spider was walking across the street at like 4am. I open the passenger door and tell him to hop in. I floor it, feeling the full power of the Horemobileâ„¢ on my hands with Trent screaming in my ears and i go up over a curb. I’m then doing donuts in a the courtyard going about 50mph and at this point Spider is screaming and i drive back to my apartment and park my car. Im write a editorial about it but i wanted pictures and the big yellow thing that burns my skin is already gone so i’ll do it tommorow, hehe.
So i was updating the page about 2 hours ago when my ex-co-worker Ian kicks in my door(which i keep unlocked) and tells me i am going to get a tattoo with him. Im actually sober at this point, oddly enough, talking to Steve about how fucked our up weekend was. We drive to this man’s house, Fred and in his kitchen we got a tattoo. What Fred does do not tell us is that he has never given a tattoo to anyone except himself. I was really really really nervous, Ian has lots of tattoos and knows how it feels so he isn’t scared at all. I am. My life is intresting.
You are not the skates you wear. You are not the beer you drink.
Had a intresting night last night, ended up drinking at a local bar and decided to go for a late evening skate while drunk, a fairly common activity in my life, something about how i hate to fall asleep while drunk because i have dreams about demons and such. Anyway. Skating drunk is so great, if you skate at all and drink at all you, you need to combine the two. I was jumping up on curbs that i normally would have been afraid to do but since i was drunk and fearless, i could do them! Problem is sometimes my skillz don’t keep up with my drunk so i fell off a 3 foot platform and now have a huge bruise on my back. But i was drunk so it didn’t matter! woohoo! Michelob Skating Team! Haha. Anyway, i was skating back to the Horemobileâ„¢ and i decided to cut through the park. There was a homeless looking guy sitting on a bench reading a big book. I asked him if it was The Bible and he said yes so i ended up sitting down next to him and talking to him for the next 3 hours. We talked about life, Vietnam, society, love, women breaking our hearts, music, everything. At one point i went and bought us some cigars and we sat like true Southern Gentlemen and talked about how wonderful life really is. I look at my life after nights like that, the huge bruise on my back, the sick feeling in my stomach from all the beer and wonder, i am Jesus?
I don’t know if this is really a confession or not but i have like 400 stolen signs construction equipment in my apartment now. Since im moving im not sure what to do with all of it, it’s too much to fit in the back of the Horemobileâ„¢ for my trip so i think i may just throw them out on street in front of my house and play dumb.
It was funny hanging out with coolguy in LA. This guy had never met me before in real life and it was intresting to see the subtle differences in my personality from real world to…..the Internet. He, of course, said he always imagined me as taller(thanks) and i always imagined him with a bigger dick. That showed him, hehe. Oh, haha, here is a great image to wake up to one morning. That’s the owner of trying to kill me with a lamp while i was asleep.
Coolguy decided that leaving Us_ and I alone in his nicely furnished apartment for more the 8 hours without making sure i had the proper amount of beer to keep me drunk so we decided to do some redecorating. Our original plan was to chunk the loveseat off the balcony but we decided since Coolguy got a little pissed when we threw his phonebook off the balcony the night earlier, he may not appreciate us throwing his furniture off his 2 story apartment, so we just moved it all around. Thats me laying on the floor watching Seven, hehe.